Writing SQL Developer Reports

Much like hali, I have a preternatural dislike for Toad. There really is no valid reason for it, though, so I won't try to justify it. I just don't dig it. Equally unjustifiable is my preference for Oracle's own SQL Developer, especially now that it gives me a point-and-click interface... [Read More]

ASMM Pitfalls

Earlier this month, Jonathan Lewis revisited an earlier post of his about the problems of automatic SGA management. It was a great read, and one all too near to (and a wound so fresh in) my heart. I've yet to actually find a bug number to confirm the suggestion, other... [Read More]

Feuerstein on Error Tracing

I'm still catching up on some readme bookmarks, and find myself once again face-to-face with PL/SQL sensei Steven Feuerstein. This man has some of the best headshots I've ever seen.This time Steven is dropping some science regarding the DBMS_UTILITY.FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE function, new in Oracle 10g, for better exception handling in PL/SQL.... [Read More]


Found this from Tom Kyte. The subject alone tells everyone that this dude is serious and you are lucky to even have the chance to help him: URGENT URGENT PLZ READ B4 OTHERS VERY URGENT NO TIME WASTERSThe poster uses an perfect storm of IM speak, arrogance, stupidity, and the... [Read More]
Tags: help oracle

Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices and Common Mistakes

Eddie Awad dug up some videos from Quest Software of PL/SQL-god and Borat-hater Steve Feuerstein talking about the best and worst of PL/SQL programming.The videos offer some tasty advice, including tips on writing cleaner, more modular code, and use of BULK COLLECT and FORALL to improve mass data processing performance,... [Read More]