I still prefer to do a clean "shutdown immediate" when I can, but sometimes I'll have a standby database hang a little too long and I'll have to do an abort. Everything comes back fine except for one thing: block change tracking. When I restart the instance I'll see this in my alert log:
CHANGE TRACKING file is not usable. The above change
stream(s) are open. Change tracking was not closed
cleanly the last time it was shutdown.
CHANGE TRACKING is reinitializing the change tracking file.
As you can see, the change tracking file was unusable due to the shutdown abort and had to be re-initialized. This means that all the previous block change tracking data was lost, so the next level 1 incremental backup will be forced to read every block of every datafile instead of just the blocks that were changed. On my multi-terabyte standby database this meant a backup running time of over 14 hours versus a normal time of 2 hours.So just a friendly FYI if you're using block change tracking and in the habit of performing shutdowns.